Number of the records: 1
Conference AMTP IV. (Application on management theory in practice IV.)
Title Conference AMTP IV. (Application on management theory in practice IV.) [elektronický zdroj] : international conference : may 29, 2009, Košice Author info editors: Peter Mesároš, Jaroslav Dugas Another authors Mesároš Peter (Editor) EUBPHFKMA - Katedra manažmentu PHF Dugas Jaroslav (Editor) EUBPHFKMA - Katedra manažmentu PHF Action Conference AMTP . International conference , 4. , Košice, Slovensko , 29.5.2009 Issue data Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM , 2010. - CD-ROM ISBN 978-80-225-2926-6 Document kind miscellanea Language English Country of Edition Slovak Republic systematics 65.012.4 - Technika a metódy riadenia. Riadenie. Vedenie. Autorita Keywords manažment * riadenie * manažment personálny * komunikácia * podnikanie * kríza hospodárska Public work category Editorial and reported works (bibliographies, magazines, encyclopedies, catalogs, dictionaries, year-books...) Database PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ Copy count 1, currently available 1, at library only 0 References (12) - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ Call number 842311 No. of Archival Copy E10 01777-001, kópia titul. strany
electonic book
Call number Location Sublocation Info 842311 SEK Sklad knižničného fondu availaible
Number of the records: 1