Number of the records: 1
Nastavenie a kreovanie adaptačného procesu zamestnancov v nadnárodnej spoločnosti
Title Nastavenie a kreovanie adaptačného procesu zamestnancov v nadnárodnej spoločnosti : diplomová práca Author info Michaela Jurisová, školiteľ: Lucia Bednárová Author Jurisová Michaela Another authors Bednárová Lucia (Školiteľ (konzultant)) EUBPHFKEK - Katedra ekonómie PHF - zrušené Corporation Podnikovohospodárska fakulta EU so sídlom v Košiciach . Katedra ekonómie Issue data Košice, 2019. - 108 s. Document kind práce diplomové (Mgr.,Ing.) Language Slovak Country of Edition Slovak Republic Database ZÁVEREČNÉ PRÁCE Call number 907168
File name Size Typ prístupu Príloha 329.8 KB from the EU IP address after logging in Príloha 73.7 KB from the EU IP address after logging in Príloha 93.4 KB from the EU IP address after logging in Príloha 366.7 KB from the EU IP address after logging in Príloha 111.3 KB from the EU IP address after logging in Príloha 303.2 KB from the EU IP address after logging in Príloha 332.6 KB from the EU IP address after logging in Príloha 109.4 KB from the EU IP address after logging in Príloha 85.5 KB from the EU IP address after logging in Príloha 500.3 KB from the EU IP address after logging in Príloha 1.8 MB from the EU IP address after logging in Príloha 202 KB from the EU IP address after logging in Príloha 139.9 KB from the EU IP address after logging in Príloha 241.1 KB from the EU IP address after logging in Príloha 241.4 KB from the EU IP address after logging in Príloha 156.7 KB from the EU IP address after logging in Elektronická verzia práce 1.3 MB from the EU IP address after logging in book
Number of the records: 1