Number of the records: 1  

Denmark and the New North Atlantic

  1. Title Denmark and the New North Atlantic : Narratives and Memories in a Former Empire. Volume 1-2
    Author infoEditors: Kirsten Thisted and Ann-Sofie N. Gremaud
    Another authors Thisted Kirsten (Editor)
    Gremaud Ann-Sofie N. (Editor)
    Issue dataAarhus : Aarhus University Press , 2020. - (350 s.+294 s.)
    Document kindmiscellanea
    Country of EditionDenmark
    systematics 93/99 - Dejiny. Archívnictvo
    Keywords geografia * história * krajiny vyspelé * geopolitika * podnebie * obyvateľstvo * kultúra * štýl životný * dedičstvo kultúrne * suverenita * ústava * zdroje prírodné * Dánsko * Severný Atlantik
    Copy count1, currently available 0, at library only 1
    Call number913595

    Call numberLocationSublocationInfo
    913595FMVKnižnica Fakulty medzinárodných vzťahovIn-Library Use Only

Number of the records: 1  

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