Number of the records: 1
Trade Complementarity of Slovakia with the Countries of the Eurasian Economic Union
Title Trade Complementarity of Slovakia with the Countries of the Eurasian Economic Union Translation Komplementárnosť obchodu Slovenska s krajinami Eurázijskej hospodárskej únie Author info Elena Kašťáková, Anabela Luptáková Author Kašťáková Elena EUBOBFKMO - Katedra medzinárodného obchodu OBF Co-authors Luptáková Anabela EUBOBFKMO - Katedra medzinárodného obchodu OBF Source document Central and Eastern Europe in the Changing Business Environment : Book of Abstracts from 22th International Joint Conference, May 19 - 20, 2022, Prague, Czech Republic and Bratislava, Slovakia. P. 27. - Praha : Oeconomica Publishing House, University of Economics, Prague, 2022. ISBN 978-80-245-2455-9 Note Abstrakt Document kind schedule of articles from year books Language English Country of Edition Czech Republic Keywords Bielorusko * Euroázijská ekonomická únia * Kazachstan * Rusko * Slovensko * indexy Public work category Abstractions of scientific titles in year-books from international conferences Database PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ No. of Archival Copy E22 00519-009, kópia plného textu
Number of the records: 1