Number of the records: 1
Green Hydrogen Production in Slovakia as Part of the Circular Economy
Title Green Hydrogen Production in Slovakia as Part of the Circular Economy Translation Výroba zeleného vodíka na Slovensku ako súčasť obehového hospodárstva Author info Pavol Štuller, Peter Drábik, Dominika Vernerová Author Štuller Pavol EUBOBFKMA - Katedra marketingu OBF Co-authors Drábik Peter EUBOBFKMA - Katedra marketingu OBF Vernerová Dominika EUBOBFKMA - Katedra marketingu OBF Source document Central and Eastern Europe in the Changing Business Environment : Book of Abstracts from 22th International Joint Conference, May 19 - 20, 2022, Prague, Czech Republic and Bratislava, Slovakia. P. 40. - Praha : Oeconomica Publishing House, University of Economics, Prague, 2022. ISBN 978-80-245-2455-9 Note Abstrakt Document kind schedule of articles from periodics Language English Country of Edition Czech Republic Keywords ekonomika ekologická * ekonomika environmentálna * hospodárstvo obehové * palivá * reťazce hodnotové globálne * Slovensko * ekonomika zelená * vodík Public work category Abstractions of scientific titles in year-books from international conferences Database PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ No. of Archival Copy E22 00519-012, kópia plného textu
Number of the records: 1