Number of the records: 1  

Press Control Around the World

  1. Title Press Control Around the World
    Author infoEdit. Jane Leftwich Curry, Joan R. Dassin
    Another authors Curry Jane Leftwich (Editor)
    Dassin Joan R. (Editor)
    Issue dataNew York : Praeger Publ. , 1982. - 283 s.
    Issue1. ed.
    Document kindmonographs
    Country of EditionUnited States of America
    systematics 659.3 - Masová komunikácia. Informovanie širokej verejnosti
    Keywords tlač * sloboda * kontrola * médiá * krajiny vyspelé * socializmus * kapitalizmus štátny * práva ľudské * politika * politika svetová
    Copy count1, currently available 1, at library only 0
    Call number738281

    Call numberLocationSublocationInfo
    738281SEKSklad knižničného fonduavailaible

Number of the records: 1  

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