Number of the records: 1
Anton Holban – 120. Gust de cenușă
Title Anton Holban – 120. Gust de cenușă Translation Anton Holban – 120. Chuť popola Author info Vasile Spiridon Author Spiridon Vasile EUBFAJKRS - Katedra románskych a slovanských jazykov FAJ Source document România literară : revistă a Uniunii Scriitorilor din România. Vol. 54, no. 8 (2022), pp. [1-5]. - Bucureşti : Fundaţia România literară. ISSN 1584-9465 Document kind schedule of articles from periodics Language Romanian Country of Edition Romania Keywords jazykoveda * filológia * literatúra * rumunčina * história * dejiny * Rumunsko URL Public work category Scientific works in othes foreign magazines Database PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ No. of Archival Copy E22 00433-001, online
Number of the records: 1