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Economic and mathematical models of inventory analysis with shortages and penal sanctions proportional to waiting time

  1. Title Economic and mathematical models of inventory analysis with shortages and penal sanctions proportional to waiting time
    TranslationEkonomické a matematické modely inventarizačnej analýzy nedostatku tovaru a pokutami za nedodanie tovaru úmernými čakacej dobe
    Author Nestorenko Olexandr
    Co-authors Péliová Jana EUBFNHKFI - Katedra financií FNH
    Nestorenko Tetyana
    Source document EDAMBA 2017 : conference proceedings : knowledge and skills for sustainable development: the role of economics, business, management and related disciplines : [20th] international scientific conference for doctoral students and post-doctoral scholars : University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 4 - 6 april 2017. Pp. 351-359 online. - Bratislava : Publishing House EKONÓM, 2017 / Wallner Jozef ; Adamcová Silvia ; Árendáš Peter ; EDAMBA 2017 : knowledge and skills for sustainable development: the role of economics, business, management and related disciplines International scientific conference. ISBN 978-80-225-4429-0
    NoteInternational Visegrad Fund 51601733. - Registrovaný: Web of Science
    Document kindschedule of articles from year books
    Country of EditionSlovak Republic
    Keywords modely ekonomicko-matematické * procesy rozhodovacie * optimalizácia zásob * logistika * logistika distribučná * klienti
    AnnotationVytvorenie modelu riadenia zásob s prihliadnutím na požiadavky kupujúceho. Optimalizácia logistických procesov predávajúceho.
    Public work categoryReports at home scientific conferences
    Registered inWOS
    No. of Archival CopyE17 00952-050, originál dokumentu

    File nameSizeTyp prístupu
    Plný text PDF784.2 KBz IP adresy SEK po prihlásení
Number of the records: 1  

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