Number of the records: 1
Motivations of Slovak companies to apply financial reengineering instruments
Title Motivations of Slovak companies to apply financial reengineering instruments Author info Miroslava Záhumenská Author Záhumenská Miroslava EUBFNHKFI - Katedra financií FNH Source document SGEM 2016 : 3rd International multidisciplinary scientific conference on social sciences and arts, 24 - 30 august, 2016, Albena, Bulgaria, Book 2, vol. 3. P. 427-432. - Sofia : STEF92 Technology, 2016 ; SGEM 2016 International multidisciplinary scientific conference on social sciences and arts. ISBN 978-619-7105-74-2 Výstup z projektu VEGA 1/0776/16 Zdaňovanie finančného sektora a harmonizačné tendencie v Európskej únii
Note VEGA 1/0776/16. - Registrovaný: Web of Science Document kind schedule of articles from year books Language English Country of Edition Bulgaria systematics 65.012.4 - Technika a metódy riadenia. Riadenie. Vedenie. Autorita Keywords korporácie * financie * reengineering * manažéri * motivácia * prieskum * Slovensko Public work category Reports at international scientific conferences Registered in WOS Database PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ No. of Archival Copy E16 01110-001, kópia plného textu
Number of the records: 1