Number of the records: 1
Acceptable Methods of Transfer Pricing
Title Acceptable Methods of Transfer Pricing Translation Prijateľné metódy transferového oceňovania Author info Adela Feranecová, Gabriel Herbrik Author Feranecová Adela EUBPHFKRP - Katedra finančného riadenia podniku PHF Co-authors Herbrik Gabriel EUBPHFKKM - Katedra kvantitatívnych metód PHF Source document Trends in application of statistical methods for quality improvement VII. (2017) : reviewed proceedings of posts and abstracts from an 7. international scientific conference : 3.3.2017, Sosnowiec, Poland. S. 142 CD-ROM. - Košice : Katedra kvantitatívnych metód PHF EU : Katedra informačnej a jazykovej komunikácie PHF EU, 2017 / Jakub Vincent ; Bobenič Hintošová Aneta ; Trends in application of statistical methods for quality improvement VII. (2017) International scientific conference. ISBN 978-83-65682-60-4 Note Abstrakt Document kind schedule of articles from year books Language English Country of Edition Slovak Republic Keywords oceňovanie transferové * metódy ohodnocovania * OECD Public work category Abstractions of scientific titles in year-books from international conferences Database PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ No. of Archival Copy E17 00293-025, originál dokumentu
Number of the records: 1