1. Qualifying Connections between Innovations and Existence of Gazelles in the Service Sector of the Slovak Republic
:KUBIČKOVÁ, Viera - KROŠLÁKOVÁ, Monika - BREVENÍKOVÁ, Daniela. Qualifying Connections between Innovations and Existence of Gazelles in the Service Sector of the Slovak Republic. In Naukovij visnik Užgorods`kogo universitetu : serija ekonomika. - Užgorod : Užgorods`kij nacionaľnij universitet, 2015. ISSN 2409-6857, 2015, tom 3, vipusk 1, s. 97-102. VEGA 1/0205/14. 1/0205/14, VEGA, Perspektíva existencie dynamických podnikov služieb v SR v kontexte uplatnenia princípov iniciatívy Inovácia v Únii.