1. Measuring the Quality of the Institutional Environment through the Development of Prices of Credit Default Swaps in Times of Economic Disturbances
:STEINHAUSER, Dušan. Measuring the Quality of the Institutional Environment through the Development of Prices of Credit Default Swaps in Times of Economic Disturbances. - Registrovaný: Scopus. In Investment Management and Financial Innovations. - Sumy : LLC "Consulting Publishing Company "Business Perspectives". ISSN 1810-4967, 2015, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 98-105 online. VEGA 1/1057/12. 1/1057/12, VEGA, Riešenie dlhovej krízy v menovej (nie fiškálnej) únii a faktory budúceho prehlbovania krízy v Európe a na Slovensku.