1. Education as a prerequisite for employment of graduates in the labor market
:SIKA, Peter. Education as a prerequisite for employment of graduates in the labor market. - Registrovaný: Web of Science. In Knowledge for market use 2016: our interconnected and divided world. Conference. Knowledge for market use 2016: our interconnected and divided world : international scientific conference 8-9 September 2016, Olomouc. - Olomouc : Societas scientiarum Olomucensis II, 2016. ISBN 978-80-87533-14-7, p. 447-454. ITMS 26240120032 50%, VEGA 1/0002/16 50%. 1/0002/16, VEGA, Socio-ekonomické aspekty bytovej politiky v kontexte migrácie pracovnej sily.