1. The Social and Solidarity Economy - One of the Most Progressive Trends in Social Innovations
:DUBCOVÁ, Gabriela - KISSOVÁ, Jana - MAJDÚCHOVÁ, Helena. The Social and Solidarity Economy - One of the Most Progressive Trends in Social Innovations. In The research of the relationship between social innovation and the economy of an enterprise in order to increase the competitiveness of the business entity : proceedings of scientific papers. - Brno : Munipress, 2017. ISBN 978-80-210-8854-2, pp. 26-34. VEGA 1/0784/15 (50%), VEGA 1/0857/16 (50%). 1/0784/15, VEGA, Skúmanie vzťahu sociálnych inovácií a ekonomiky podniku za účelom zvyšovania konkurencieschopnosti podnikateľského subjektu.
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