1. Interest Rate Risk, Its Management and the Effect on Actuarial Calculations in Respect of Annuities from pillar II
:SAKÁLOVÁ, Katarína - BILÍKOVÁ, Mária - MIHALECHOVÁ, Jana. Interest Rate Risk, Its Management and the Effect on Actuarial Calculations in Respect of Annuities from pillar II. - Registrovaný: Web of Science. In Financial management of firms and financial institutions. International scientific conference. Financial management of firms and financial institutions : proceedings : 10th international scientific conference : 7th - 8th september 2015, Ostrava, Czech Republic. - Ostrava : VŠB - Technical university of Ostrava, 2015. ISBN 978-80-248-3865-6. ISSN 2336-162X, s. 1076-1083 CD-ROM. VEGA 1/0542/13. 1/0542/13, VEGA, Riadenie rizík a aktuárska funkcia v životnom poistení.