1. Increasing Compliance with the Garbage Collection Fee Payment: a Case Study from a Behavioural Intervention in a Slovak Municipality
:ČAPLÁNOVÁ, Anetta - SZAKADÁTOVÁ, Estera. Increasing Compliance with the Garbage Collection Fee Payment: a Case Study from a Behavioural Intervention in a Slovak Municipality. - VEGA 1/0239/19. In Vocal for Local VS Global Aspirations of India (Step Towards Make in India). International Conference Proceedings. Vocal for Local VS Global Aspirations of India (Step Towards Make in India) : International Conference Proceedings : Book of Abstracts. - Greater Noida : KCC Institute of Legal and Higher Education, 2023. ISBN 978-93-94795-05-01, p. 28. 1/0239/19, VEGA, Implikácie behaviorálnej ekonómie pre zefektívnenie fungovania súčasných ekonomík.
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