1. Immersive Marketing in Higher Education: "Internal" and "External" Views
Title | Immersive Marketing in Higher Education: "Internal" and "External" Views |
Translation | Imerzívny marketing vo vysokoškolskom vzdelávaní: „interné“ a „externé“ pohľady |
Author | Artyukhova Nadiia |
Co-authors | Rehák Róbert EUBOBFKMA - Katedra marketingu OBF |
Artiukhov Artem EUBOBFVIO - Výskumný inštitút obchodu a udržateľného podnikania | |
Source document | Ahi Evran : 3rd International Conference on Scientific Research. Pp. 2-3. - Türki̇ye : IKSAD Publishing House, 2023 ; Ahi Evran International Conference. ISBN 978-625-367-076-4 |
Note | Abstrakt |
Document kind | schedule of articles from year books |
Language | English |
Country of Edition | Turkey |
Keywords | marketing * vzdelávanie vysokoškolské * výskum vedecký |
Public work category | Abstractions of scientific titles in year-books from international conferences |
No. of Archival Copy | E23 00405-001, kópia plného textu |