1. Moderná Európa na ceste dosiahnutia vedomostnej spoločnosti
:KOVÁČ, Filip. Moderná Európa na ceste dosiahnutia vedomostnej spoločnosti. In Problems and prospects of territories' socio-economic development. International scientific conference. Problems and prospects of territories' socio-economic development : collections of materials of the 3rd international scientific conference, april 29 - may 3, 2014, Opole, Poland. - Opole : Publishing House WSZiA, 2014. ISBN 978-83-62683-50-5, s. 166-169. VEGA 1/0174/11. 1/0174/11, VEGA, Determinanty formovania znalostnej ekonomiky v kontexte novej hospodárskej stratégie "Európa 2020".