1. Analysis of the contemporary trends in the development of Chinese FDIs in CEE16 countries
:ZÁBOJNÍK, Stanislav. Analysis of the contemporary trends in the development of Chinese FDIs in CEE16 countries. - Registrovaný: Web of Science. In Globalization and its socio-economic consequences. International scientific conference. Globalization and its socio-economic consequences : proceedings : 16th international scientific conference : 5th – 6th october 2016, Rajecke Teplice, Slovak Republic : part I. - V. - Žilina : University of Žilina, 2016. ISBN 978-80-8154-191-9, s. 2448-2456 CD-ROM. VEGA 1/0550/14. 1/0550/14, VEGA, Nové výzvy v oblasti európskej energetickej bezpečnosti a ich vplyv na konkurencieschopnosť EÚ v horizonte do roku 2020.