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Your query: Keywords = "sebestačnosť potravinová"
  1. KŁOCZKO-GAJEWSKA, Anna - MALAK-RAWLIKOWSKA, Agata - MAJEWSKI, Edward. What Are the Economic Impacts of Short Food Supply Chains? A Local Multiplier Effect (LM3) Evaluation. In European Urban and Regional Studies. - London : Sage Publications Ltd, 2024. ISSN 1461-7145, 2024, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 281-301.


  2. PILAŘOVÁ, Tereza et al. Exploring the Motivations Behind Food Self-Provisioning in the Czech Republic. In Agricultural Economics. - Praha : Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2023. ISSN 1805-9295, 2023, vol. 69, no. 6, pp. 234-245.


  3. KAPSDORFEROVÁ, Zuzana et al. Challenges and Innovative Approaches in the Agricultural and Food Industry and Changing Consumer Behaviour in the Milk and Milk Products Market: Case of Slovakia. In Agricultural Economics. - Praha : Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2023. ISSN 1805-9295, 2023, vol. 69, no. 6, pp. 246-254.


  4. ALENOVÁ, Gabriela. Pandemický marazmus strieda krutosť vojny. In Obchod : marketing, retail, FMCG. - Bratislava : MAFRA, 2022. ISSN 1335-2008, 2022, roč. 27, č. 2, s. 6-9.


  5. SIEBER, Jakub. Regional Food Self-Sufficiency and Security in Association to Short Food Supply Chains. In Trends in Application of Statistical Methods for Quality Improvement XVII. (2022). Trends in Application of Statistical Methods for Quality Improvement XVII. (2022) : Reviewed Proceeding of Posts from an 17. International Scientific Conference. - Košice : KKM PHF, 2022. ISBN 978-80-225-4946-2, pp. 98 online.


  6. LOVCIOVÁ, Kornélia. Support for the Food Industry in the Slovak Republic. In International Scientific Days 2022: Efficient, Sustainable and Resilient Agriculture and Food Systems – The Interface of Science, Politics and Practice. International Scientific Conference. International Scientific Days 2022: Efficient, Sustainable and Resilient Agriculture and Food Systems – The Interface of Science, Politics and Practice : Conference Proceedings. - Nitra : Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, 2022. ISBN 978-80-552-2507-4, pp. 96-104.


  7. EROKHIN, Vasilii et al. Food Security in a Food Self-Sufficient Economy: A Review of China's Ongoing Transition to a Zero Hunger State. In Agricultural Economics. - Praha : Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2022. ISSN 1805-9295, 2022, vol. 68, no. 12, pp. 476-487.


  8. ANDREJOVSKÝ, Pavol - HAJDUOVÁ, Zuzana - LACKO, Roman. Zhodnotenie vybraných dopadov globalizácie na poľnohospodárstvo. In Trendy vo využívaní štatistických metód v marketingu 2021. konferencia. Zborník príspevkov z konferencie Trendy vo využívaní štatistických metód v marketingu 2021. - Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2021. ISBN 978-80-225-4829-8, s. 172-180 CD-ROM.


  9. PRZYBYLSKI, Aleksy. Polish Agricultural Autarky : Plow the Subsidies In! In Review. - Lodz : Fundacija Liberté!, 2021. ISSN 2391-7083, 2021, no. 15, pp. 70-84.


  10. IVANČÁKOVÁ, Jaroslava. Factors Increasing Food Self-sufficiency of the Slovak Republic. In The Current Issues of Business : Proceedings of Scientific Papers. - České Budějovice : Vysoká škola evropských a regionálních studií, 2021. ISBN 978-80-7556-093-3, pp. 63-69. VEGA 1/0708/20. 1/0708/20, VEGA, Sociálno-ekonomické determinanty trvalo udržateľnej spotreby a výroby z hľadiska vplyvu na výkonnosť a konkurencieschopnosť podnikov.


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