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Your query: Keywords = "udržateľnosť fiškálna"
  1. BOÓR, Matej - PETRENKO, Yuliya. Fiškálne pravidlá a rozpočtové výdavky na výskum a vývoj: evidencia z krajín Európskej únie. In Teoretické a praktické aspekty veřejných financí. Mezinárodní odborná konference. Teoretické a praktické aspekty veřejných financí : 28. ročník mezinárodní odborné konference. - Praha : Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2024, s. [8]. APVV-20-0338, VEGA 1/0660/23.


  2. POLLÁK, František et al. Reputation Analysis of Selected European and US Brands in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic. In International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Economy in an Era of Uncertainty. Corporate Practices: Policies, Methodologies, and Insights in Organizational Management : International Conference on Entrepreneurship and the Economy in an Era of Uncertainty 2023. - Singapore : Springer Nature Singapore, 2024. ISBN 978-981-97-0995-3, pp. 895-915.


  3. LEŠKOVÁ, Radka - LEŠKO, Peter. Sustainability of Public Finances of the Slovakia - Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Period. In Economics, Finance and Business Management 2023 : Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship in Digital Age 2023. International Scientific Conference. Economics, Finance and Business Management 2023 [EFAM 2023] : Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship in Digital Age 2023. - Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2023. ISBN 978-80-225-5058-1, pp. 115-123. VEGA 1/0462/23.


  4. BOGDAN, Tetiana - JOVANOVIĆ, Branimir. Public Expenditure and Tax Policy for the Post-War Reconstruction of Ukraine. Policy Notes and Reports 69. Vienna : The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, 2023. 65 s.
    electonic book

    electonic book

  5. BOÓR, Matej. Impact of Fiscal Rules on Government Capital Expenditure: Evidence from EU Countries. - Registrovaný: Web of Science. In Economics, Management & Business 2023 : Contemporary Issues, Insights and New Challenges. International Scientific Conference. Economics, Management & Business 2023 : Contemporary Issues, Insights and New Challenges. - Prešov : Vydavateľstvo Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove, 2023. ISBN 978-80-555-3215-8, pp. 773-779. APVV-20-0338.


  6. RYBÁČEK, Václav. Deviations between Government Debt and Changes in Government Deficit, why They Tend to Persist. In Statistika : Statistics and Economy Journal. - Praha : Český statistický úřad, 2022. ISSN 1804-8765, 2022, vol. 102, no. 1, s. 35-45.


  7. KÖKTAŞ, Altuğ Murat - GÜNEL, Tuğay. Impact of Fiscal Rules on Government Expenditure and Tax Revenue in Emerging European Countries: Threshold Effect of Budget Deficit. In Ekonomický časopis : časopis pre ekonomickú teóriu, hospodársku politiku, spoločensko-ekonomické prognózovanie. - Bratislava : Ekonomický ústav SAV : Prognostický ústav SAV, 2022. ISSN 0013-3035, 2022, roč. 70, č. 3, s. 264-283.


  8. HOUSKA, Daniel - PAKŠIOVÁ, Renáta. Comparative Overview of the Reporting Requirements for Financial Institutions in the Czech and Slovak Republics in the View of the EU Sustainable Finance Framework. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on European Integration 2022 : Collection. - Ostrava : VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, 2022. ISBN 978-80-248-4604-0. ISSN 2571-029X (print), pp. 256-264.


  9. MARYAM, Siti. Salient Stakeholder Involvement Model Using Temporary and Continuous Financial Approaches in Globalization. In Economic annals-XXI : Research Journal. - Kiev : Institute of Society Transformation, 2022. ISSN 1728-6239, 2022, vol. 200, no. 11-12, pp. 4-9.


  10. GORČÁK, Martin - ŠAROCH, Stanislav. Impact of Fiscal Institutions on Public Finances in the European Union: Review of Evidence in the Empirical Literature. In Národohospodářský obzor : časopis věnovaný otázkám národohospodářským a sociálněpolitickým. - Varšava : Sciendo, 2021. ISSN 1213-2446, 2021, vol. 21, no. 2, s. 215-232.


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