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- BEGG, Robert et al. Theorizing Transition and the Dynamics of Capital: The Diverse Trajectories of Post-socialist Firms. In Articulations of capital : global production networks and regional transformations. - Oxford : Wiley Blackwell, 2016. ISBN 978-1-118-63271-0, p. 137-161 [1 AH].
- SMITH, Adrian et al. Reconfiguring "Post-socialist" Regions: Cross-border Networks and Regional Competition in the Slovak and Ukrainian Clothing Industry. In Global Networks : a Journal of Transnational Affairs. - Oxford : Blackwell Publishing. ISSN 1471-0374, July 2008, vol. 8, num. 3, s. 281-307.
- PICKLES, John et al. Upgrading, Changing Competitive Pressures, and Diverse Practices in the East and Central European Apparel Industry. In Environment and planning : international journal for the science of architecture and design. - London : Pion. ISSN 1472-3409, 2006, vol. 38, pp. 2305-2324.
- PICKLES, John et al. Upgrading and diversification in the East European industry: competitive pressure and production networks in clothing industry. In New members - new challenges for the european regional development policy. New members - new challenges for the European regional development policy : Nový Smokovec - Vysoké Tatry, 27th-30th September 2005. - 2005 ; [Bratislava] : [Národohospodárska fakulta EU]. ISBN 80-225-2060-8, s. 33-43.
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