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- ÁRENDÁŠ, Peter - BUKOVEN, Ján. Turn of the month effect on the Prague stock exchange. In Finance and performance of firms in science, education and practice. International scientific conference. Finance and performance of firms in science, education and practice : proceedings of the 8th international scientific conference : april 26 - 27, 2017, Zlín, Czech Republic. - Zlín : Tomas Bata University in Zlín, 2017. ISBN 978-80-7454-653-2, pp. 44-54 online. VEGA 1/0124/14. 1/0124/14, VEGA, Úloha finančných inštitúcií a kapitálového trhu pri riešení problémov dlhovej krízy v Európe.
File name Size Typ prístupu Plný text PDF 846.4 KB z IP adresy SEK po prihlásení - ÁRENDÁŠ, Peter. The halloween effect on financial markets. Reviewers: Elena Gregová, Daniela Tkáčová. 1st ed. Praha : Wolters Kluwer, 2017. 103 s. [4,89 AH]. VEGA 1/0124/14. ISBN 978-80-7552-576-5. 1/0124/14, VEGA, Úloha finančných inštitúcií a kapitálového trhu pri riešení problémov dlhovej krízy v Európe. [Copy count : 2, currently available 1, at library only 1]
- DOROCÁKOVÁ, Michaela. The Question of dominance of actively managed funds over funds with passive strategy. - Registrovaný: Web of Science. In Challenges for financial sector of CEE countries in overcoming problems of economic integration in the EU. International conference on currency, banking and international finance. Challenges for financial sector of CEE countries in overcoming problems of economic integration in the EU : proceedings of the 9th international conference on currency, banking and international finance : 20 and 21 september 2016, Bratislava, Slovak Republic. - Bratislava : EKONÓM, 2017. ISBN 978-80-225-4362-0, pp. 49-54. VEGA 1/0124/14. 1/0124/14, VEGA, Úloha finančných inštitúcií a kapitálového trhu pri riešení problémov dlhovej krízy v Európe.
File name Size Typ prístupu Plný text PDF 3.8 MB z IP adresy SEK po prihlásení - CHOVANCOVÁ, Božena - HUDCOVSKÝ, Jaroslav. Fiscal policy and its impacts on the stock markets. - Registrovaný: Web of Science. In Challenges for financial sector of CEE countries in overcoming problems of economic integration in the EU. International conference on currency, banking and international finance. Challenges for financial sector of CEE countries in overcoming problems of economic integration in the EU : proceedings of the 9th international conference on currency, banking and international finance : 20 and 21 september 2016, Bratislava, Slovak Republic. - Bratislava : EKONÓM, 2017. ISBN 978-80-225-4362-0, pp. 114-120. VEGA 1/0124/14, VEGA 1/0326/15. 1/0124/14, VEGA, Úloha finančných inštitúcií a kapitálového trhu pri riešení problémov dlhovej krízy v Európe.
File name Size Typ prístupu Plný text PDF 4.3 MB z IP adresy SEK po prihlásení - ÁRENDÁŠ, Peter. The CEE banking stocks, the financial crisis and the Halloween effect. - Registrovaný: Web of Science. In Challenges for financial sector of CEE countries in overcoming problems of economic integration in the EU. International conference on currency, banking and international finance. Challenges for financial sector of CEE countries in overcoming problems of economic integration in the EU : proceedings of the 9th international conference on currency, banking and international finance : 20 and 21 september 2016, Bratislava, Slovak Republic. - Bratislava : EKONÓM, 2017. ISBN 978-80-225-4362-0, pp. 9-16. VEGA 1/0124/14. 1/0124/14, VEGA, Úloha finančných inštitúcií a kapitálového trhu pri riešení problémov dlhovej krízy v Európe.
File name Size Typ prístupu Plný text PDF 4.3 MB z IP adresy SEK po prihlásení - GVOZDJÁK, Vladimír. Government bondholding of commercial banks in the Central European countries before and during the financial and debt crisis. - Registrovaný: Web of Science. In Challenges for financial sector of CEE countries in overcoming problems of economic integration in the EU. International conference on currency, banking and international finance. Challenges for financial sector of CEE countries in overcoming problems of economic integration in the EU : proceedings of the 9th international conference on currency, banking and international finance : 20 and 21 september 2016, Bratislava, Slovak Republic. - Bratislava : EKONÓM, 2017. ISBN 978-80-225-4362-0, pp. 96-104. VEGA 1/0124/14. 1/0124/14, VEGA, Úloha finančných inštitúcií a kapitálového trhu pri riešení problémov dlhovej krízy v Európe.
File name Size Typ prístupu Plný text PDF 4.9 MB z IP adresy SEK po prihlásení - Challenges for financial sector of CEE countries in overcoming problems of economic integration in the EU. International conference on currency, banking and international finance. Challenges for Financial Sector of CEE Countries in Overcoming Problems of Economic Integration in the EU : proceedings of the 9th international conference on currency, banking and international finance : 20 and 21 september 2016, Bratislava, Slovak Republic. Editor: Jana Kotlebová ; reviewers: Zuzana Brokešová ... [et al.]. 1st ed. Bratislava : EKONÓM, 2017. viii, 294 s. [23 AH]. VEGA 1/0326/15, VEGA 1/0124/14. ISBN 978-80-225-4362-0. 1/0124/14, VEGA, Úloha finančných inštitúcií a kapitálového trhu pri riešení problémov dlhovej krízy v Európe. [Copy count : 3, currently available 2, at library only 1]
- CHOVANCOVÁ, Božena - HUDCOVSKÝ, Jaroslav. Quantitative Easing in Europe and Its Impact on the Stock Market. - Registrovaný: Web of Science. In Montenegrin Journal of Economics. - Podgorica : Economic Laboratory for Transition Research. ISSN 1800-5845, September 2016, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 155-165. VEGA 1/0124/14. 1/0124/14, VEGA, Úloha finančných inštitúcií a kapitálového trhu pri riešení problémov dlhovej krízy v Európe.
File name Size Typ prístupu Plný text PDF 371.4 KB verejne dostupné - ÁRENDÁŠ, Peter - CHOVANCOVÁ, Božena. Central and Eastern European Share Markets and the Halloween Effect. - Registrovaný: Web of Science. In Montenegrin Journal of Economics. - Podgorica : Economic Laboratory for Transition Research. ISSN 1800-5845, July 2016, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 61-71. VEGA 1/0124/14. 1/0124/14, VEGA, Úloha finančných inštitúcií a kapitálového trhu pri riešení problémov dlhovej krízy v Európe.
File name Size Typ prístupu Plný text PDF 259.9 KB verejne dostupné - CHOVANCOVÁ, Božena - HUDCOVSKÝ, Jaroslav. Return-risk Profile of Slovak Pension Funds. - Registrovaný: Scopus. In Administraţie şi management public. - Bucharest : The Bucharest University of Economic Studies. ISSN 2559-6489, 2016, no. 27, pp. 94-106 online. VEGA 1/0124/14. 1/0124/14, VEGA, Úloha finančných inštitúcií a kapitálového trhu pri riešení problémov dlhovej krízy v Európe.
File name Size Typ prístupu Plný text PDF 367.4 KB verejne dostupné