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- KOŠŤÁLOVÁ, Zuzana et al. New Credit Drivers: Results from a Small Open Economy. In Eastern European Economics. - London : Taylor & Francis. ISSN 0012-8775, 2022, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 1-34 online. (2022 - Current Contents). APVV-18-0335, VEGA 1/0607/21.
File name Size Typ prístupu Plný text PDF 6.1 MB z IP adresy SEK po prihlásení - GERNÁT, Peter. Loan Production Development in Slovak Banks – Competitive Approach. In EDAMBA 2019. International Scientific Conference for Doctoral Students and Post-Doctoral Scholars. EDAMBA 2019 : International Scientific Conference for Doctoral Students and Post-Doctoral Scholars. - Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2020. ISBN 978-80-225-4704-8, s. 131-137 online.
File name Size Typ prístupu PDF zabezpečené 261.4 KB dostupné po prihlásení - GERNÁT, Peter - KOŠŤÁLOVÁ, Zuzana - LYÓCSA, Štefan. What Drives U.S. Financial Sector Volatility? A Bayesian Model Averaging Perspective. - Registrovaný: Scopus. In Research in International Business and Finance. - Amsterdam : Elsevier. ISSN 1878-3384, 2020, vol. 51, pp. 1-14 online. (2020 - Current Contents).
File name Size Typ prístupu PDF zabezpečené 1.5 MB dostupné po prihlásení - GERNÁT, Peter - KOŠŤÁLOVÁ, Zuzana - LYÓCSA, Štefan. What Drives U.S. Financial Sector Volatility? A Bayesian Model Averaging Perspective. In ICCBIF 2019: Overcoming Economic Inequalities – Role of European Financial Systems. International Conference. ICCBIF 2019: Overcoming Economic Inequalities – Role of European Financial Systems : Book of Abstracts from 10th International Conference on Currency, Banking and International Finance, 4 and 5 April 2019, Starý Smokovec, Slovak Republic. - Bratislava : Katedra bankovníctva a medzinárodných financií NHF EU, 2019. ISBN 978-80-225-4608-9, pp. 7.
- GERNÁT, Peter. Veľkosť bankového sektora Slovenskej republiky a jej makroekonomické determinanty. In Finančné trhy : vedecký časopis = Scientific Journal. - Bratislava : Derivát, 2019. ISSN 1336-5711, 2019, roč. 16, č. 1, s. 1-17 online. VEGA 1/0693/17, KEGA 030EU-4/2017.
File name Size Typ prístupu Plný text PDF 674.4 KB verejne dostupné - LYÓCSA, Štefan - GERNÁT, Peter - KOŠŤÁLOVÁ, Zuzana. What Drives U.S. Financial Sector Volatility? A Bayesian Model Averaging Perspective. In CES-SEAM 2019: Czech Economic Society and Slovak Economic Association Meeting. Meeting. CES-SEAM 2019: Czech Economic Society and Slovak Economic Association Meeting (in Cooperation with the Mendel University in Brno and Hungarian Economic Association : Proceedings from the Meeting, September 12-13, 2019, Mendel University, (Brno, Czech Republic). - Brno : Mendel University in Brno, 2019, pp. 1-2.
- GERNÁT, Peter - KOŠŤÁLOVÁ, Zuzana - LYÓCSA, Štefan. What Drives U.S. Financial Sector Volatility? A Bayesian Model Averaging Perspective. In INFINITI Conference on International Finance. Conference. INFINITI Conference on International Finance : 9-11 June 2019, Glasgow. - Glasgow, Great Britain : Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow, 2019, pp. 1 online.
- KOŠŤÁLOVÁ, Zuzana - GERNÁT, Peter. Použitie umelej inteligencie pri predikovaní bankových kríz. In Finančné trhy : vedecký časopis = Scientific Journal. - Bratislava : Derivát, 2018. ISSN 1336-5711, 2018, roč. 15, č. 3, s. 1-11 online.
File name Size Typ prístupu Plný text PDF 437.4 KB verejne dostupné - GERNÁT, Peter - KOŠŤÁLOVÁ, Zuzana - LYÓCSA, Štefan. U.S. Financial Sector Volatility: A Bayesian Model Averaging Perspective. In PEFnet 2018. European Scientific Conference of Doctoral Students. PEFnet 2018 : Abstracts of Proceedings from 22nd European Scientific Conference of Doctoral Students, Brno, November 29, 2018. - Brno : Mendel University in Brno, 2018. ISBN 978-80-7509-602-9, p. 23 online.
- GERNÁT, Peter - KOŠŤÁLOVÁ, Zuzana. Determinanty rizika bankového sektora v SR. In Finančné trhy : vedecký časopis = Scientific Journal. - Bratislava : Derivát, 2018. ISSN 1336-5711, 2018, roč. 15, č. 4, s. 1-16 online. VEGA 1/0693/17, KEGA 030EU-4/2017.
File name Size Typ prístupu Plný text PDF 697.1 KB verejne dostupné