Search results
- JOHNSON, Paul. Dějiny 20. století. 3. opravené vydání. Voznice : LEDA, 2022. 846 s. ISBN 978-80-7335-839-6. [Copy count : 1, currently available 0, at library only 1]
- PARÁK, Štefan. Švajčiarsko a prvá Slovenská republika (1939-1945) : politicko-hospodárske vzťahy dvoch malých štátov. 1. vydanie. Bratislava : Post Scriptum : Libri Historiae, 2022. 386 s. ISBN 978-80-8218-042-1. [Copy count : 1, currently available 0, at library only 1]
- GALEOTTI, Mark. Krátke dejiny Ruska. Preklad: Adriena Richterová. 1. vydanie. Bratislava : IKAR, 2021. 222 s. ISBN 978-80-551-7805-9. [Copy count : 1, currently available 1, at library only 0]
- MCLACHLAN, Sean. The Vikings in Greenland : The History of the Norse Expeditions and Settlements across Greenland. [S.l.] : Charles River Editors, [2021]. [42 s.]. ISBN 9781727466331. [Copy count : 1, currently available 0, at library only 1]
- BLACK, Jeremy. Historie 20. století : konflikty, technológie a rokenrol. 1. vydání. Praha : Euromedia Group, 2021. 256 s. ISBN 978-80-242-7811-7. [Copy count : 1, currently available 0, at library only 1]
- Denmark and the New North Atlantic : Narratives and Memories in a Former Empire. Volume 1-2. Aarhus : Aarhus University Press, 2020. (350 s.+294 s.). ISBN 978-87-7184-730-7. [Copy count : 1, currently available 0, at library only 1]
- YEW, Lee Kuan. Z tretieho sveta medzi elitu : úspešný príbeh Singapuru. Preklad: Richard Cedzo. 1. vydanie. Bratislava : United Philanthropy, 2020. 656 s. ISBN 978-80-973639-0-1. [Copy count : 3, currently available 2, at library only 1]
- JESPERSEN, Knud J.V. A History of Denmark. Translated by: Ivan Hill and Christopher Wade. 3rd Edition. London : Red Globe Press/Springer Nature, 2019. 262 s. Palgrave Essential Histories Series. ISBN 978-1-137-61179-6. [Copy count : 1, currently available 0, at library only 1]
- SMITH, Peter H. - GREEN, James N. Modern Latin America. 9th Edition. New York : Oxford University Press, 2019. 536 s. ISBN 9780190674656. [Copy count : 2, currently available 0, at library only 2]
- HRUBÝ, Karel. Cesty komunistickou diktaturou : kritické studie a eseje. 1. vydání. Praha : Argo, 2018. 481 s. Historické myšlení, svazek 73. ISBN 978-80-257-2474-3. [Copy count : 1, currently available 0, at library only 1]