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  1. ZUBRO, Tetyana - BALEHA, Andrianna - KARPENKO, Lidiia. Effective Anti-Corruption Policy of Ukraine in the Coordinates of Digital Transformation: Foreign Experience. In Zabezpečennja stijkosti systemy publičnoji vlady ta upravlinnja v umovach speciaľnych administrativno-pravovych režymiv ta vidnovlennnja Ukrajiny. Konferencija. Zabezpečennja stijkosti systemy publičnoji vlady ta upravlinnja v umovach speciaľnych administrativno-pravovych režymiv ta vidnovlennnja Ukrajiny : materialy mižnarodnoji naukovo-praktičnoji konferenciji, 17. travnja 2024 roku. - Odesa : Odeska politechnika, 2024. ISBN 978-80-225-5151-9, pp. 252-255.
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  2. ONDRUŠOVÁ, Lucia. The Development of a Company in Crisis From the Point of View of Simply Joint-Stock Company. In Účtovníctvo a audítorstvo v procese svetovej harmonizácie. Medzinárodná vedecká konferencia. Účtovníctvo a audítorstvo v procese svetovej harmonizácie : zborník z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie. - Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2023. ISBN 978-80-225-5085-7, s. 71-76. VEGA 1/0121/21.
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  3. Creating an Appropriate Model of the Behaviour for Ethics and Integrity of Institutions in the Area of Scientific Research Activities Based on International Comparison and Setting a System of Determining Attributes for Its Effective Implementation and Functioning : Proceedings of Scientific Papers : VEGA 1/0836/21. NO.III. Gabriela Dubcová et al., Editorial and Compilation Work: Ľubica Foltínová ; scientific Rewiewers: Petr Suchánek, Miroslav Tóth. 1st Edition. Brno : Masaryk University, 2023. 94 s. [7,73 AH]. VEGA 1/0836/21. ISBN 978-80-280-0480-4.


  4. GÁLL, Jozef. Benefity a bariéry členstva v klastrových organizáciách na Slovensku. In Ekonomika cestovného ruchu a podnikanie : vedecký časopis Obchodnej fakulty Ekonomickej univerzity v Bratislave. - Bratislava : Katedra služieb a cestovného ruchu OBF EU, 2022. ISSN 2453-9988, 2022, roč. 14, č. 1, s. 28-38 online. KEGA 034EU-4/2020.
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  5. Creating an Appropriate Model of the Behaviour for Ethics and Integrity of Institutions in the Area of Scientific Research Activities Based on International Comparison and Setting a System of Determining Attributes for Its Effective Implementation and Functioning : Proceedings of Scientific Papers : VEGA 1/0836/21. NO.II. Gabriela Dubcová et al. ; editorial and Compilation Work: Ľubica Foltínová. 1st Edition. Brno : Masaryk University, 2022. 132 s. [11,07 AH]. VEGA 1/0836/21. ISBN 978-80-280-0183-4.
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  6. BAUMÖHL, Eduard - KOČENDA, Evžen. How Firms Survive in European Emerging Markets: A Survey. - Registrovaný: Scopus. In Eastern European Economics. - London : Taylor & Francis. ISSN 0012-8775, 2022, vol. 60 no. 5, pp. 392-417 online. (2022 - Current Contents). APVV-18-0310, VEGA 1/0182/20.
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  7. HARMAN, Jakub. Gender Equality and Institutions as the Driving Force of Football Performance: Women vs Men. In Athens Journal of Sports. - Athens : Athens Institute for Education and Research. ISSN 2241-7915, 2022, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 25-36 online. VEGA 1/0037/20. 1/0037/20, VEGA, Nové výzvy a riešenia pre rast zamestnanosti v meniacich sa sociálno-ekonomických podmienkach.
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  8. CUPÁK, Andrej et al. Exploring Differences in Financial Literacy Across Countries: The Role of Individual Characteristics and Institutions. - Registrovaný: Scopus. In Social Indicators Research : An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement. - Amsterdam : Springer Gabler. ISSN 1573-0921, 2021, vol. 158, no. 2, pp. 409-438 online. VEGA 1/0221/21.
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  9. Creating an Appropriate Model of the Behaviour for Ethics and Integrity of Institutions in the Area of Scientific Research Activities Based on International Comparison and Setting a System of Determining Attributes for Its Effective Implementation and Functioning : Proceedings of Scientific Papers. Gabriela Dubcová et al. ; editorial and Compilation Work: Jana Kissová. 1st Edition. Brno : Masaryk University Press, 2021. 84 s. [6,68 AH]. VEGA 1/0836/21. ISBN 978-80-280-0003-5.


  10. DUĽOVÁ SPIŠÁKOVÁ, Emília. [Finančné trhy a inštitúcie]. In Manažment v teórii a praxi : online odborný časopis o nových trendoch v manažmente. - Košice : Katedra manažmentu PHF EU, 2019. ISSN 1336-7137, 2019, roč. 15, č. 4, s. 77-78 online. Recenzia na: Finančné trhy a inštitúcie / Robert Verner ; recenzenti: Emília Duľová Spišáková, Peter Burger. 1. vydanie. - Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2019. - ISBN 978-80-225-4674-4.
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