Search results
- MEYER, Christoph O. - DE FRANCO, Chiara - OTTO, Florian. Warning about War : Conflict, Persuasion and Foreign Policy. 1st Edition. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2020. 314 s. ISBN 978-1-108-48607-1. [Copy count : 1, currently available 0, at library only 1]
- CRAWFORD, Emily - PERT, Alison. International Humanitarian Law. 2nd Edition. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2020. 351 s. ISBN 978-1-108-72771-6. [Copy count : 1, currently available 0, at library only 1]
- MCLAUGHLIN, Robert. Recognition of Belligerency and the Law of Armed Conflict. New York : Oxford University Press, 2020. 301 s. Lieber Studies, 3. ISBN 978-0-19-750705-6. [Copy count : 1, currently available 0, at library only 1]
- Bezpečnostné fórum 2018 : zborník vedeckých prác. Recenzenti: Pavel Nečas, Jana Lasicová. 1. vydanie. Banská Bystrica : Interpolis, 2018. online 443 s. ISBN 978-80-972673-5-3.
File name Size Typ prístupu Plný text PDF 4.9 MB verejne dostupné - RODENHÄUSER, Tilman. Organizing Rebellion : Non-State Armed Groups under International Humanitarian Law, Human Rights Law, and International Criminal Law. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018. 360 s. Oxford Monographs in International Humanitarian and Criminal Law. ISBN 978-0-19-882194-6. [Copy count : 1, currently available 0, at library only 1]
- The world almanac and book of facts 2015. New York : World Almanac Books, 2015. 1007 s. ISBN 978-1-60057-190-9. [Copy count : 1, currently available 1, at library only 0]
- IVANČÍK, Radoslav - JURČÁK, Vojtech. Kauzalita participácie ozbrojených síl Slovenskej republiky v operáciách medzinárodného krízového manažmentu a jej finančné aspekty. Ostrowiec Sw. : Wyzsa Szkola Biznesu i Przedsiebiorczosci w Ostrowcu Sw., 2014. 214 s. ISBN 978-83-64557-05-7. [Copy count : 2, currently available 1, at library only 1]
- The world almanac and book of facts 2014. New York : World Almanac Books, 2014. 1007 s. ISBN 978-1-60057-182-4. [Copy count : 1, currently available 1, at library only 0]
- LONDÁK, Miroslav - MICHÁLEK, Slavomír. 20 rokov samostatnej Slovenskej republiky. Bratislava : VEDA, 2013. 679 s. VEGA 2/0104/13. ISBN 978-80-224-1313-8. [Copy count : 1, currently available 0, at library only 1]
- The world almanac and book of facts 2013. New York : World Almanac Books, 2013. 1007 s. ISBN 978-1-60057-162-6. [Copy count : 1, currently available 1, at library only 0]