Search results
- LIPTÁK, Juraj. Rozpočtová teória a politika. 2. vyd. Bratislava : EU, 1993. 173 s. ISBN 80-225-0446-7. [Copy count : 3, currently available 2, at library only 1]
- GREGORY, Paul R. Essentials of Economics. 2. ed. Glenview : Scott, Foresman and Co., 1990. 516 s. ISBN 0-673-38842-5. [Copy count : 1, currently available 1, at library only 0]
- MILLER, Roger Leroy. Economics Today : The Micro View. 6. ed. New York : Harper and Row, Publ., 1988. 613 s. ISBN 0-06-044488-6. [Copy count : 1, currently available 1, at library only 0]
- FRIEDMAN, Milton. Price Theory. 1. ed. Berlin : De Gruyter, 1976. 357 s. ISBN 3-11-010987-5. [Copy count : 1, currently available 0, at library only 1]