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  1. MARATOVA, Tolganay et al. The Need for Modern Teachers to Integrate Informatics with STEM Education. - Registrovaný: Scopus. In World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education. - Melbourne : WIETE. ISSN 1446-2257, 2024, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 38-43.
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  2. ČAPLÁNOVÁ, Anetta - DUNAJEVA, Jekatyerina - RODRIGUEZ, Paula. Digital Transformation in Blended Learning Environments : EENEE Analytical Report. Peer Reviewers: Miroslav Beblavý, Martina Viarengo. 1st Edition. Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2024. 60 s. [3 AH]. ISBN 978-92-68-06755-0.
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    electonic book

    electonic book

  3. VAZANOVA, Marina. K voprosu o lingvodidakticheskih trebovaniyah k otboru uchebnogo materiala po russkomu yazyku kak inostrannomu. In Sovremennyj vzgljad na obučenije RKI: nejroaspekty. Konferencija. Sovremennyj vzgljad na obučenije RKI: nejroaspekty : materialy meždunarodnoj naučno-praktičeskoj konferencii. - Moskva : MPGU, 2024. ISBN 978-5-4263-1389-7, s.26-30.
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  4. KUCHAROVÁ, Jana. Autonomous Learning in Religious Education in Slovakia. In Theology and Philosophy of Education : An International Journal for Perspectives i the Theology of Education and Philosophy of Education. - Praha : Česká křesťanská akademie. ISSN 2788-1180, 2024, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 5-11. KEGA 020UKF-4/2023.
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  5. BORISOVA, Ekaterina. Vzgljad v budušeje. MAPRJAL ruka ob ruku s nacionaľnymi associacijami rusistov. In Kongress MAPRJAL. Russkij jazyk i literatura v menjajuščemsja mire. XV kongress MAPRJAL: izbrannyje doklady : XV kongress MAPRJAL: "russkij jazyk i literatura v menjajuščemsja mire". - Sankt-Peterburg : MAPRJAL, 2024. ISBN 978-5-6043747-9-5, c. 524-528.
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  6. MIŠÚT, Martin. Systém inteligentného dištančného vzdelávania. In Inteligentné vzdelávanie pre hospodársku prax (IVpHP 2023) : zborník abstraktov. - Bratislava : Slovenská spoločnosť pre hospodársku informatiku, 2023, s. 4. KEGA 004STU-4/2022.
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  7. HELMOVÁ, Milena. Kreative Ansätze zur Hochschulausbildung im Fremdsprachenunterricht (eine empirische Studie). In Aktuelle Themen im Bereich des Fremdsprachenunterrichts. - Hamburg : Verlag Dr. Kovač, 2023. ISBN 978-3-339-13638-1. ISSN 1614-5550 (Print), s. 101-111.


  8. SERIK, M. et al. Ispoľzovanie STEM obrazovanija i osnov mašinnogo obučenija v učebnom processe. In Education. Quality Assurance : [International Scientific Journal]. - Astana : Press LLP. ISSN 2617-0493, 2023, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 87-94.
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  9. HORNIAKOVÁ, Veronika. How Could Help International Certifications for IT Subject Matter Teachers. In TIEES 2023: Trends and Innovations in E-business, Education and Security. International Scientific Web Conference of Scientists and Doctoral Students or Candidates. TIEES 2023: Trends and Innovations in E-Business, Education and Security : Eleventh International Scientific Web-conference of Scientists and PhD Students or Candidates. - Bratislava : The Slovak Society for Economic Informatics, 2023. ISSN 2729-8493, pp. 53-65.
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  10. SHUMEIKO, Natalia - MANDÁKOVÁ, Alexandra. E-Learning Technologies and Teaching Business English in a Blended Learning Environment. In International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference of Teachers of Higher Education Institutions, Doctoral Students, Postgraduate Students, Teachers, Masters, Students. Modern Trends in Teaching Foreign Languages in the World : Proceedings. - Sumy : Sumy State Pedagogical University Named After A. S. Makarenko, 2023, pp. 130-133. KEGA 012EU-4/2023, EU NextGenerationEU through the Recovery and Resilience Plan for Slovakia No. 09I03-03-V01-00045.
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