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Your query: Author Sysno/Doc.kind = "^eu_un_auth p0020827 xpca^"
  1. BALÁŽ, Peter - ZÁBOJNÍK, Stanislav - HRIČOVSKÝ, Márius. EU Fossil Fuel Imports and Changes After Ukrainian Crisis. - Registrovaný: Web of Science. In Globalization and its Socio-Economic Consequences 2019. International Scientific Conference. Globalization and its Socio-Economic Consequences 2019 : Sustainability in the Global-Knowledge Economy. - Zilina : University of Zilina, Faculty of Operation and Economics Transport and Communications, 2020. ISSN 2261-2424, pp. 1-9 online. VEGA 1/0897/17.
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  2. BALÁŽ, Peter - KRÁLOVIČOVÁ, Michaela - STEINHAUSER, Dušan. Foreign Trade as a Tool to Strengthen the EU's Competitiveness against China (a Case of the Service Sector). - Registrovaný: Web of Science, Registrovaný: Scopus. In Prague Economic Papers : a Bimonthly Journal of Economic Theory and Policy. - Prague : University of Economics, 2020. ISSN 1210-0455, 2020, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 129-151 online. VEGA 1/0897/17.
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  3. KOPCSAYOVÁ, Iris - BALÁŽ, Peter. Kontaminovaná ropa môže vyvolať reťazovú reakciu. In Pravda. - Bratislava : OurMedia SR. ISSN 1335-4051, 27. apríla 2019, roč. 29, č. 98, s. 8-9.
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  4. BOROVSKÁ, Zuzana - BALÁŽ, Peter. Iran´s International Position and Its Relations with the EU (SR) in the Context of the Awakening New Silk Road. In Central and Eastern Europe in the Changing Business Environment. International Joint Conference. Central and Eastern Europe in the Changing Business Environment : Proceedings from 19th International Joint Conference, May 24, 2019, (Prague, Czech Republic). - Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2019. ISBN 978-80-225-4620-1. ISSN 2453-6113, pp. 34-45 online. VEGA 1/0897/17.
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  5. BALÁŽ, Peter - BRONČEK, Juraj. The Effect of Real Effective Exchange Rate on Bilateral Trade between China and the EU. In Central and Eastern Europe in the Changing Business Environment. International Joint Conference. Central and Eastern Europe in the Changing Business Environment : Proceedings from 19th International Joint Conference, May 24, 2019, (Prague, Czech Republic). - Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2019. ISBN 978-80-225-4620-1. ISSN 2453-6113, pp. 24-33 online. VEGA 1/0897/17.
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  6. BALÁŽ, Peter. Históriu píšu víťazi alebo...? In 1969 - 2019 Obchodná fakulta : polstoročie očami tých, ktorí boli jej súčasťou. - Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2019. ISBN 978-80-225-4643-0, s. 13-20.


  7. KAŠŤÁKOVÁ, Elena - DRIENIKOVÁ, Kristína - ZUBAĽOVÁ, Ľubica. Impact of the Geopolitical Changes on the EU Foreign Trade Relations with Selected Territories : Implications for the Slovak Economy. Reviewers: T.M. Isachenko, Peter Baláž. 1st Edition. Saint Petersburg : Saint Petersburg University Press, 2019. 246 s. [15,5 AH]. VEGA 1/0546/17. ISBN 978-5-288-05988-9. [Copy count : 2, currently available 1, at library only 1]


  8. BALÁŽ, Peter - ZÁBOJNÍK, Stanislav - BOROVSKÁ, Zuzana. Is the Current Foreign Trade Policy of the USA a Threat or an Opportunity for the Export of the European Union? In Trends and Challenges in the European Business Environment: Trade, International Business and Tourism. International Scientific Conference. Trends and Challenges in the European Business Environment: Trade, International Business and Tourism : Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific Conference, October 17 - 18, 2019 (Mojmírovce, Slovak Republic). - Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2019. ISBN 978-80-225-4646-1, pp. 11-21 CD-ROM. VEGA 1/0897/17.
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  9. BALÁŽ, Peter - ZÁBOJNÍK, Stanislav - HARVÁNEK, Lukáš. China's Expansion in International Business : The Geopolitical Impact on the World Economy. Cham : Palgrave Macmillan/Springer Nature, 2019. 335 s. [16,75 AH]. Palgrave Macmillan Asian Business Series. ISBN 978-3-030-21911-6. ISSN 2661-8435. [Copy count : 2, currently available 1, at library only 1]


  10. BALÁŽ, Peter et al. Medzinárodné podnikanie. Recenzenti: Peter Knapik, Zuzana Silná. 1. vydanie. Bratislava : Sprint 2, 2019. 304 s. [27,62 AH]. Economics. VEGA 1/0897/20, VEGA 1/0777/20. ISBN 978-80-89710-51-5. [Copy count : 32, currently available 19, at library only 2]
    Medzinárodné podnikanie


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