Search results
- MISHKIN, Frederic S. The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets. 12th Edition. Harlow : PEARSON, 2019. 738 s. The Pearson Series in Economics. ISBN 978-1-292-26885-9. [Copy count : 2, currently available 0, at library only 2]
- Fiscal Decentralisation and Inclusive Growth. Edited by: Junghun Kim, Dougherty Sean. Paris : OECD ; Seoul : Korea Institute of Public Finance, 2018. 258 s. OECD Fiscal Federalism Studies. Available on Internet: <> ISBN 978-92-64-30247-1. [Copy count : 1, currently available 1, at library only 0]
- BOROS, Kamil. Prinesie negatívna demografia helikoptérové peniaze? In Bankovnictví : odborný měsíčník pro profesionální finance. - Praha : 4H production, 2016. ISSN 1212-4273, 2016, roč. 23, č. 12, s. 32-33.
- REJNUŠ, Oldřich. Peněžní ekonomie : (finanční trhy). 6. aktual. vyd. Brno : Akademické nakladatelství CERM, s.r.o., 2012. 374 s. Učební texty vysokých škol. ISBN 978-80-214-4415-7. [Copy count : 1, currently available 0, at library only 1]
- HANDA, Jagdish. Monetary economics. 2nd ed. Abingdon : Routledge, 2009. 842 s. ISBN 978-0-415-77210-5. [Copy count : 2, currently available 0, at library only 2]
- SZOMOLÁNYI, Karol - LUKÁČIK, Martin - LUKÁČIKOVÁ, Adriana. Growth models. - Registrovaný: Web of Science. In Mathematical methods in economics 2006 : proceedings of the 24th international conference. - Plzeň : University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, 2006. ISBN 80-7403-480-5, s. 475-479.
- GONDA, Vladimír. Peniaze a monetárne teórie. 2. preprac. vyd. Bratislava : IURA EDITION, 2005. 151 s. Ekonómia. ISBN 80-8078-036-6. [Copy count : 29, currently available 22, at library only 7]
- MANKIW, N. Gregory. Grundzüge der Volkswirtschaftslehre. Aus dem amerikanischen Englisch übertragen von Adolf Wagner und Marco Herrmann. 3. überarb. Auflage. Stuttgart : Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag, 2004. xxiii, 911 s. ISBN 3-7910-2163-X. [Copy count : 1, currently available 1, at library only 0]
- STIGLITZ, Joseph E. - GREENWALD, Bruce C. Towards a new paradigm in monetary economics. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003. 327 s. The Raffaele Mattioli Lecture Series. ISBN 0-521-00805-0. [Copy count : 2, currently available 1, at library only 1]
- JANG, Byung K. Capital controls and trade liberalization in a monetary economy. Washington : International Monetary Fund, 1999. 24 s. IMF Working Paper, 24. [Copy count : 1, currently available 1, at library only 0]