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  1. JANDIERI, Gia. The European Union: Why Is It the Only Choice for Georgia? In Review. - Lodz : Fundacija Liberté!, 2024. ISSN 2391-7083, 2024, no. 20, pp. 120-135.
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  2. VUJANOVIĆ, Nina. CEFTA: Trade and Growth Patterns Fifteen Years since Establishment. Research Report 466. Vienna : The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, 2023. 33 s.
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    electonic book

    electonic book

  3. BALOGH, Máté Jeremiás - AGUIAR, Giovanna Maria Borges. Determinants of Latin American and the Caribbean Agricultural Trade: A Gravity Model Approach. In Agricultural Economics. - Praha : Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2022. ISSN 1805-9295, 2022, vol. 68, no. 4, s. 127-136.
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  4. HUDCOVSKÝ, Martin - MORVAY, Karol. From the CEFTA to the EU Single Market: a View from Slovak Republic. In Regional Economic Cooperation in V4 and WB6: Sharing Experience and Knowledge in the Context of Common Regional Market and Post-COVID Recovery. - Podgorica : Montenegrin Pan-European Union, 2022. ISBN 978-9940-8846-0-4, pp. 75-85 online.
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  5. DAMAŠKOVÁ, Tatiana. Razvitije torgovych otnošenij meždu Slovackoj respublikoj i respublikoj Koreja. In Aziatskij mir v novych realijach transgraničja. konferencija. Aziatskij mir v novych realijach transgraničja : sbornik naučnych statej. - Moskva : FGBOU VPO "REU im. G. V. Plechanova", 2021. ISBN 978-5-7307-1822-7, c. 152-158 online.
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  6. BROCKOVÁ, Katarína. Vopros o sisteme razrešenija sporov v novych investicionnych soglašenijach Evropejskogo Sojuza. In Naukovyj visnyk Užgorodsʹkogo nacionalʹnogo universytetu : Serija: Mižnarodni vidnosini. - Uzhhorod : Uzhhorod National University. ISSN 2413-9971, 2021, vypusk 37, s. 7-10 online.
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  7. RANETA, Leonid. The Development of Africa in the Post-colonial World: Is Industrialization Possible? In Journal of Modern Economic Research. - Bratislava : DENAKYR. ISSN 2644-6332, 2021, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 35-45 online.
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  8. BYUNG-IL, Choi - OH, Jennifer S. Politics of East Asian Free Trade Agreements : Unveiling the Asymmetry between Korea and Japan. 1st Edition. Abingdon : Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group, 2021. 124 s. ISBN 978-0-367-27892-2. [Copy count : 2, currently available 0, at library only 2]


  9. TOMČÍK, Ondrej. EU-South Korea Free Trade Agreement and its Impact on Slovakia’s Exports to South Korea. In EDAMBA 2019. International Scientific Conference for Doctoral Students and Post-Doctoral Scholars. EDAMBA 2019 : International Scientific Conference for Doctoral Students and Post-Doctoral Scholars. - Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2020. ISBN 978-80-225-4704-8, pp. 521-530 online.
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  10. PAKŠIOVÁ, Renáta. Business Costs Arising From Protectionism, Corruption and Other Non-market Restrictions on Free Trade. In European Forum of Entrepreneurship 2020. International Scientific Conference. European Forum of Entrepreneurship 2020 : Protectionism - Protection or Destruction of National Economies? - Praha : NEWTON College, 2020. ISBN 978-80-88328-10-0, pp. 121-128 online. APVV-16-0602.
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