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Your query: Keywords = "priemysel 4 0"
  1. JANKELOVÁ, Nadežda - JONIAKOVÁ, Zuzana. Selected Aspects of the Managerial Function Organizing in the Context of Industry 4.0. In International Conference on Trends & Innovations in Management, Engineering, Sciences and Humanities (ICTIMESH-23). International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Multidisciplinary Physical Sciences. - Anand : Advanced Research Publication and Journals, 2024. ISSN 2349-7300, 2024, special Issue - ICTIMESH - 2023, pp. 1-11. VEGA 1/0010/23, KEGA 001EU-4/2021.


  2. KUDLOVÁ, Zuzana. Vplyv Industry 4.0 na zníženie nákladov. In Manažment v teórii a praxi : online odborný časopis o nových trendoch v manažmente. - Košice : Katedra ekonómie a manažmentu PHF EU, 2024. ISSN 1336-7137, 2024, roč. 20, č. 1, s. 20-25.


  3. STOVÍČEK, Filip. Kompetenčný model zamestnancov vo vybranom odvetví v ére Industry 4.0. In Prax pre univerzity, riešenia pre firmy. Konferenčné stretnutie. Prax pre univerzity, riešenia pre firmy 6.0 : zborník abstraktov z konferenčného stretnutia pri príležitosti 6. ročníka projektu Prax pre univerzity, riešenia pre firmy. - Bratislava : Slovenská fyzikálna spoločnosť, 2024. ISBN 978-80-89855-25-4, s. 34-35. I-23-102-00.


  4. JANKELOVÁ, Nadežda. Corporate Culture and Teamwork in the Digital Era. In International Scientific Conference "Industry 4.0". Industry 4.0 : IX International Scientific Conference : Summer Session. - Sofia : Scientific-Technical Union of Mechanical Engineering "Industry 4.0", 2024. ISSN 2535-0161, pp. 138-142. VEGA 1/0010/23.


  5. STOVÍČEK, Filip - ČERŇANOVÁ, Lucia. Digitization of the Country As a Prerequisite for the Future – Comparison of V4 Countries. In Ekonomika a manažment : vedecký časopis Fakulty podnikového manažmentu Ekonomickej univerzity v Bratislave. - Bratislava : Nadácia Manažér, 2024. ISSN 2454-1028, 2024, roč. 21, č. 1, s. 53-67. I-23-102-00.


  6. SKORKOVÁ, Zuzana - PROCHÁZKOVÁ, Katarína. Mapping the Evolution of Leadership 4.0: A Bibliometric Analysis. In Economics, Finance and Business Management 2023 : Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship in Digital Age 2023. International Scientific Conference. Economics, Finance and Business Management 2023 [EFAM 2023] : Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship in Digital Age 2023. - Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2023. ISBN 978-80-225-5058-1, pp. 378-385. KEGA 001EU-4/2021, VEGA 1/0623/22.


  7. SKORKOVÁ, Zuzana - GAŽOVÁ ADAMKOVÁ, Hana - KORYTINOVÁ, Kristína. Mapping the Landscape of Education 4.0: A VOSviewer Bibliometric Analysis. In Economics, Finance and Business Management 2023 : Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship in Digital Age 2023. International Scientific Conference. Economics, Finance and Business Management 2023 [EFAM 2023] : Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship in Digital Age 2023. - Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2023. ISBN 978-80-225-5058-1, pp. 400-409. KEGA 001EU-4/2021, VEGA 1/0623/22, VEGA 1/0328/21.


  8. JONIAKOVÁ, Zuzana - MIŠÚN, Juraj - GAŽOVÁ ADAMKOVÁ, Hana. Management Education in The Context of Current Management Trends and Labour Market Changes. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Research in Management and Economics. - Vilnius : Diamond Scientific Publishing, 2023. ISSN 3030-0282 (online), 2023, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 29-39. KEGA 001EU-4/2021.


  9. LEHUTOVÁ, Adriána - MĹKVA, Miroslava - SZABÓ, Peter. Návrh kompetenčného modelu manažéra výroby v súlade s požiadavkami Industry 4.0. In Fórum manažéra. - Trnava : VIVAEDUCA, 2023. ISSN 1339-9403, 2023, roč. 19, č. 1, s. 27-34.


  10. SOĽAVOVÁ, Monika - BOLEK, Vladimír. The Position of the Slovak Printing Industry in the Industry 4.0. In Economics, Finance and Business Management 2023 : Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship in Digital Age 2023. International Scientific Conference. Economics, Finance and Business Management 2023 [EFAM 2023] : Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship in Digital Age 2023. - Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2023. ISBN 978-80-225-5058-1, pp. 353-361. VEGA 1/0662/23.


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