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Your query: Keywords = "siete sociálne"
  1. REHÁKOVÁ, Helena. Nebezchybnosť digitálnej komunikácie a čo s ňou. In Manažér : časopis pre rozvoj riadiacich pracovníkov. - Bratislava : IBIS partner, 2015. ISSN 1335-1729, 3/2015, roč. 20, zoš. 78, s. 28-30.


  2. KALAMEN, Kristián et al. E-Marketing Communication in the Beverage Industry. In EDAMBA 2023. International Scientific Conference for Doctoral Students and Post-Doctoral Scholars. EDAMBA 2023 : International Scientific Conference for Doctoral Students and Post-Doctoral Scholars. - Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2024. ISBN 978-80-225-5127-4, pp. 93-103. VEGA 1/0140/21.
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  3. ZÁHORA, Jozef. Sloboda prejavu vs. nenávistné prejavy na internete. In Právny obzor : teoretický časopis pre otázky štátu a práva. - Bratislava : Ústav štátu a práva SAV, 2024. ISSN 0032-6984, 2024, roč. 107, č. 4, s. 384-407.


  4. MAIEROVÁ, Eva. Instagram in Teaching English for Specific Academic Purposes. - Registrovaný: Web of Science. In Advanced Education. - Kyiv : National Technical University of Ukraine, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. ISSN 2409-3351, 2024, vol. 12, no. 24, pp. 75-91.
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  5. FAIZ RASOOL, Samma - RAZA, Hamid - ZUBR, Vaclav. Exploring the Relationship between Usage of Social Networking Sites, Cyberbullying and Academic Performance: Evidence from the Higher Education Sector of Saudi Arabia. In E+M. Ekonomie a management : vědecký open access časopis. - Liberec : Ekonomická fakulta Technické univerzity v Liberci, 2024. ISSN 1212-3609, 2024, roč. 27, č. 1, s. 70-86.
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  6. KUCHTA, Martin et al. Exploring the Impact: Influence of Social Media Application Indicators on Consumer Behavior. In Central and Eastern Europe in the Changing Business Environment. International Joint Conference. Central and Eastern Europe in the Changing Business Environment : 24th International Joint Conference. - Praha : Nakladatelství Oeconomica, 2024. ISBN 978-80-245-2512-9. ISSN 2453-6113, pp. 132-144.
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  7. STANKOVÁ, Monika - HASPROVÁ, Mária - KUCHTA, Martin. Možnosti cenotvorby a kooperácie značky a obsahového tvorcu z UGC perspektívy. In Studia commercialia Bratislavensia : Scientific Journal of Faculty of Commerce, University of Economics in Bratislava. - Bratislava : Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave, 2024. ISSN 1339-3081, 2024, roč. 17, č. 2, s. 135-143.
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  8. DZILSKÁ, Zuzana et al. Perspective Chapter: Effective Management of Marketing Communication in Social Media. In Management in Marketing Communications. - London : IntechOpen, 2024. ISBN 978-0-85466-619-5, pp. 103-126. VEGA 1/0110/24.
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  9. KLÁTIKOVÁ, Elena - KMEŤ, Norbert. Pravda, klamstvo a ich podoby v politike. In Politické vedy : časopis pre politológiu, najnovšie dejiny, medzinárodné vzťahy, bezpečnostné štúdiá. - Banská Bystrica : Belianum, 2023. ISSN 1335-2741, 2023, roč. 26, č. 3, s. 92-122.
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  10. LEITNER, Sandra M. Occupational Trajectories Among Refugees in Austria: The Role of Co-ethnic and Austrian Social Networks in Job Search. Working Paper 232. Vienna : The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, 2023. 44 s.
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    electonic book

    electonic book

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