1. Can I be opened?
:VOKOUNOVÁ, Dana - KOPANIČOVÁ, Janka. Can I be opened? - Registrovaný: Web of Science. In Central and Eastern Europe in the changing business environment. International joint conference. Central and Eastern Europe in the changing business environment : proceedings of 16th international joint conference : may 27, 2016, Prague, Czech Republic and Bratislava, Slovakia. - Prague : Oeconomica Publishing House, University of Economics, Prague, 2016. ISBN 978-80-245-2145-9. ISSN 2453-6113, s. 347-355. VEGA 1/0178/14. 1/0178/14, VEGA, Spoločná spotrebiteľská politika EU a jej uplatnenie v SR s dopadom na vzdelávanie spotrebiteľov.
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