1. "Building Hope: from a Shack to 3E House" - Innovative Housing Approach in the Provision of Affordable Housing
:SZÜDI, Gábor - KOVÁČOVÁ, Jaroslava. "Building Hope: from a Shack to 3E House" - Innovative Housing Approach in the Provision of Affordable Housing. - Registrovaný: Scopus. In Journal of Housing and the Built Environment. - Dordrecht : Springer Nature. ISSN 1566-4910, 2016, vol.31, no. 3, pp. 423-438. VEGA 1/0216/14. 1/0216/14, VEGA, Transformácia systému sociálnych služieb pre seniorov v kontexte deinštitualizácie sociálnych služieb v pôsobnosti orgánov miestnej samosprávy.
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