1. Correlation Analysis of the Capital Gains Taxes and Cross-border M&As in Countries of V4
:ZÁHUMENSKÁ, Miroslava. Correlation Analysis of the Capital Gains Taxes and Cross-border M&As in Countries of V4. In EDAMBA 2014. International scientific conference. EDAMBA 2014 : proceedings of the international scientific conference for doctoral students and young researchers : 13th - 14th november 2014, Bratislava, Slovak Republic. - Bratislava : Publishing House EKONÓM, 2014. ISBN 978-80-225-4005-6, pp. 641-650 [CD-ROM]. VEGA 1/0238/13. 1/0238/13, VEGA, Dane a efektívnosť nástrojov finančného reinžinieringu pri zvyšovaní výkonnosti podnikov v čase krízy.
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