1. Business demography of Slovakia in terms of legal form of business ownership
:SIVAŠOVÁ, Daniela - BOLGÁČ, Ján. Business demography of Slovakia in terms of legal form of business ownership. In Statistical methods in socio-economic research : theory and applications. Scientific seminar. Statistical methods in socio-economic research : [proceedings] : theory and applications : 22nd slovak-polish-ukrainian scientific seminar : Virt, 20th - 23rd october, 2015. - Bratislava : ŠEVT, 2016. ISBN 978-80-8106-071-7, pp. 109-124. VEGA 1/0501/14. 1/0501/14, VEGA, Podnik z pohľadu demografie - nástroj hodnotenia zmien v ekonomickom raste a zamestnanosti.