1. Consumer Protection in the Conditions of the Slovak Republic in Line with the Harmonization of Legislation and Consumer Rights Within the EU
:DEÁKOVÁ, Stanislava - BUKOVOVÁ, Sylvia. Consumer Protection in the Conditions of the Slovak Republic in Line with the Harmonization of Legislation and Consumer Rights Within the EU. In Current Problems of the Corporate Sector 2021. International Scientific Conference. Current Problems of the Corporate Sector 2021 : 18th International Scientific Conference. - Paris : Édition Diffusion Presse Sciences, 2021. ISSN 2261-2424, pp. [1-9] online. KEGA 002EU-4/2019. 002EU-4/2019, KEGA, Integrácia a systematizácia výsledkov vedeckovýskumnej činnosti v oblasti ochrany spotrebiteľa, s primárnou orientáciou na potravinovú bezpečnosť, za účelom modelovania adekvátneho spotrebiteľského správania.
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