Výsledky vyhľadávania

Nájdených záznamov: 20  
Vaša otázka: Autor-kód záznamu + druh.dok = "^eu_un_auth h0001081 xpca^"
  1. BEDNÁROVÁ, Lucia et al. Assessment methods of the influence on environment in the context of eco-design process. In ESPM 2015. International conference on engineering science and production management. Production management and engineering sciences : scientific publication of the International conference on engineering science and production management (ESPM 2015), Tatranská Štrba, High Tatras Mountains, Slovak Republic, 16-17 april 2015. - Leiden : CRC Press/Balkema, 2016. ISBN 978-1-138-02856-2, s. 15-20.


  2. MAJERNÍK, Milan - DANESHJO, Naqibullah - SANČIOVÁ, Gabriela. Stages of integrated environmentl-health impact assessment of strategic documents. In ESaT 2016. International conference on engineering sciences and technologies. ESaT 2016 : 2nd International conference on engineering sciences and technologies, Tatranské Matliare, Slovak Republic, 29th of June - 1st of July 2016. - Košice : Technical University of Košice, 2016. ISBN 978-80-553-2564-4, s. 1-5 CD-ROM. VEGA 1/0936/15.


  3. HARUMOVÁ, Anna. Analysis and Forecast of the Company's Value. In Ecoletra.com : scientific eJournal. - Lewes : Ecoletra.com LLC, 2016. ISSN 2377-9748, 2016, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 94-106 online. VEGA 1/1607/2015.


  4. VOKOUNOVÁ, Dana - KOPANIČOVÁ, Janka. Can I be opened? - Registrovaný: Web of Science. In Central and Eastern Europe in the changing business environment. International joint conference. Central and Eastern Europe in the changing business environment : proceedings of 16th international joint conference : may 27, 2016, Prague, Czech Republic and Bratislava, Slovakia. - Prague : Oeconomica Publishing House, University of Economics, Prague, 2016. ISBN 978-80-245-2145-9. ISSN 2453-6113, s. 347-355. VEGA 1/0178/14. 1/0178/14, VEGA, Spoločná spotrebiteľská politika EU a jej uplatnenie v SR s dopadom na vzdelávanie spotrebiteľov.


  5. PÁSTOR, Rudolf - BELVONČÍKOVÁ, Eva. Global value chains: upgrading of the Slovak clothing industry. In How to benefit from global value chains - implications for the V4 countries. International conference. How to benefit from global value chains - implications for the V4 countries : proceedings from the international conference : Prague, on June 6, 2015. - Praha : Vysoká škola ekonomická, Nakladatelství Oeconomica, 2015. ISBN 978-80-245-2111-4, p. 116-147. Dostupné na : <http://ces.vse.cz/english/wp-content/Sborn%CC%81k-texty-CES_FINAL_N1.pdf>


  6. NIŽNÍKOVÁ, Zuzana et al. Enterprise Valuation by Using EVA Method in Slovakia. - Registrovaný: Web of Science. In EDAMBA 2015 : the era of science diplomacy: implications for economics, business, management and related disciplines. International scientific conference. EDAMBA 2015 : conference proceedings : international scientific conference for doctoral students and post-doctoral scholars : the era of science diplomacy: implications for economics, business, management and related disciplines : University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 21 - 23 october 2015. - Bratislava : Publishing House EKONÓM, 2015. ISBN 978-80-225-4200-5, s. 654-660 CD-ROM. PMVP I-15-109-00.


  7. HYRÁNEK, Eduard - LONDÁK, Ján. Investment Projects Evaluation by Usage of Real Options. In Еconomics, management, law: problems and prospects. International scientific and practical conference. Еconomics, management, law: problems and prospects : collection of scientific articles : international scientific and practical conference. - Coventry : Agenda Publishing House, 2015. ISBN 978-617-7214-07-5, s. 18-22. VEGA 1/1067 /15.


  8. ŠABÍKOVÁ, Ingrid - ČIERNIK, Anton. Efektívna alokácia verejných projektov. In Spravodajca vo verejnej správe : odborný mesačník účtovných, daňových a mzdových aktualít. - Bratislava : Verlag Dashöfer. ISSN 1336-9377, 7. marca 2014, č. 3, s. 5-6.


  9. HONAIZER SVOBODOVÁ, Valéria. Impact of Cultural Differences between the Czech and Slovak Consumer Shopping Behaviour in the Changed Economic Conditions. - Registrovaný: Web of Science. In Application of knowledge in process of business dynamization in Central Europe. International scientific conference. Application of knowledge in process of business dynamization in Central Europe : the proceedings of the 5th international scientific conference on trade, international business and tourism : 16. - 17. october 2014, Mojmírovce, Slovak Republic. - Bratislava : EKONÓM publishing, 2014. ISBN 978-80-225-3994-4, pp. 176-185 CD-ROM. Tab.


  10. GALOVSKÁ, Marcela. Produktivita práce a ľudský kapitál. In Aktuálne otázky ekonomickej teórie a praxe v medzinárodnom podnikaní 2014. Medzinárodná vedecká konferencia. Aktuálne otázky ekonomickej teórie a praxe v medzinárodnom podnikaní : zborník príspevkov z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie : 12. decembra 2014 v Bratislave. - Bratislava : Fakulta ekonómie a podnikania Paneurópskej vysokej školy, 2014. ISBN 978-80-89453-06-1, s. 146-152 CD-ROM.


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