Výsledky vyhľadávania

Nájdených záznamov: 995  
Vaša otázka: Autor-kód záznamu + druh.dok = "^eu_un_auth h0003185 xpca^"
  1. ČIRČOVÁ, Vanda - STOVÍČEK, Filip - ČERŇANOVÁ, Lucia. Learning in Digital Environment – Competencies (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude). In Ekonomika, financie a manažment podniku XVII.. Medzinárodná konferencia. Ekonomika, financie a manažment podniku XVII. : zborník príspevkov z konferencie. - Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2024. ISBN 978-80-225-5125-0, s. 41-50. I-23-102-00.


  2. JANKELOVÁ, Nadežda - MIŠÚN, Juraj - JONIAKOVÁ, Zuzana. The Role of Innovative Work Behavior, Teamwork Climate, and Information Sharing in Enhancing the Innovative Performance of Energy Companies. - Registrovaný: Web of Science. In European Journal of Sustainable Development. - Rome : European Center of Sustainable Development. ISSN 2239-6101, 2024, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 127-150. VEGA 1/0010/23 (50%), VEGA 1/0188/24 (50%).


  3. VOZÁR, Vladimír et al. Challenges for Healthcare Managers in 2023. - Registrovaný: Web of Science. In Clinical Social Work and Health Intervention. - Wien : International Society of Applied Preventive Medicine i-gap. ISSN 2222-386X, 2024, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 57-63. VEGA 1/0010/23.


  4. SEBESTYÉN, František - HAJDUOVÁ, Zuzana. Výskum optimalizácie procesu predaja služby cez sprostredkovateľské spoločnosti. In Ekonomika, financie a manažment podniku XVII.. Medzinárodná konferencia. Ekonomika, financie a manažment podniku XVII. : zborník príspevkov z konferencie. - Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2024. ISBN 978-80-225-5125-0, s. 105-111. VEGA 1/0109/24.


  5. JANKELOVÁ, Nadežda et al. Impact of Structural Employee Empowerment on Hospital Ratings: Mediating Role of Social Climate and First-Line Managers’ Resilience. - Registrovaný: Scopus. In Risk Management and Healthcare Policy. - Auckland : Dove Medical Press. ISSN 1179-1594, 2024, vol. 17, pp. 883-901. VEGA 1/0010/23, VEGA 1/0623/22, VEGA 1/0188/24.


  6. BOLEK, Vladimír - HOLÝ, Ján. Silicon Strains: Mastering Managerial Decisions in a Challenging Tech Landscape. In Trendy a výzvy rodinného podnikania a nástupníctva I. : zborník vedeckých statí - Proceedings of Scientific Articles. - Bratislava : [Fakulta podnikového manažmentu EU], 2024. ISBN 978-80-225-5153-3, s. 22-35. VEGA 1/0520/24.


  7. MIŠÚN, Juraj. Changes to the Management Control Function Due to The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Research in Management and Economics. - Vilnius : Diamond Scientific Publishing, 2023. ISSN 3030-0282 (online), 2023, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1-11. VEGA 1/0328/21, KEGA 001EU-4/2021.


  8. HRUBŠOVÁ, Andrea. Úvod do problematiky konkurencieschopnosti. In MERKÚR 2023. International Scientific Conference for PhD. Students and Young Scientists. MERKÚR 2023 : Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference for PhD. Students and Young Scientists. - Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2023. ISBN 978-80-225-5112-0, pp. 131-139.


  9. MIŠÚN, Juraj. Post-Pandemic Management Function of Organizing. In Economics, Finance and Business Management 2023 : Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship in Digital Age 2023. International Scientific Conference. Economics, Finance and Business Management 2023 [EFAM 2023] : Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship in Digital Age 2023. - Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2023. ISBN 978-80-225-5058-1, pp. 478-487. VEGA 1/0328/21, VEGA 1/0623/22.


  10. BELVONČÍKOVÁ, Eva et al. Job Satisfaction, Work-Life Balance of Owners and Managers of Urban Coworking Spaces During the COVID-19 Pandemic. In 11th Central European Winter Seminar of Regional Science. 11th Central European Winter Seminar of Regional Science : Proceedings. - Bratislava : Publishing House EKONOM, 2023. ISBN 978-80-225-5118-2, p. 87.


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