Výsledky vyhľadávania

Nájdených záznamov: 1657  
Vaša otázka: Heslá = "porovnanie štatistické medzinárodné"
  1. LACKO, Roman - MURA, Ladislav. Modelovanie efektívnosti zdieľanej ekonomiky v cestovnom ruchu krajín V4. In Cestovný ruch: Výzvy a riešenia v riadení, kvalite a udržateľnosti služieb v cestovnom ruchu : "Perspektívy krajín V4". - Prešov : Vydavateľstvo Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove, 2024. ISBN 978-80-555-3271-4, s. 208-218. KEGA 020EU-4/2024.


  2. MORVAY, Karol. O troch zaseknutých ventiloch ekonomiky. Dôvody nášho zaostávania. In Pravda. - Bratislava : OurMedia SR, 2023. ISSN 1335-4051, 16. februára 2023, roč. 33, č. 33. Dostupné na : <https://nazory.pravda.sk/analyzy-a-postrehy/clanok/657145-o-troch-zaseknutych-ventiloch-ekonomiky-dovody-nasho-zaostavania/>


  3. KALUSOVÁ, Lenka - SMORADA, Marián. Comparison of the Competitiveness of the BRICS Countries and the USA. In Economics, Finance and Business Management 2023 : Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship in Digital Age 2023. International Scientific Conference. Economics, Finance and Business Management 2023 [EFAM 2023] : Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship in Digital Age 2023. - Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2023. ISBN 978-80-225-5058-1, pp. 439-447.


  4. TÓTHOVÁ, Alena. Business Conditions in Contemporary Geopolitics. In Economics, Finance and Business Management 2023 : Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship in Digital Age 2023. International Scientific Conference. Economics, Finance and Business Management 2023 [EFAM 2023] : Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship in Digital Age 2023. - Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2023. ISBN 978-80-225-5058-1, pp. 290-300. VEGA 1/0140/21.


  5. ŠTETKA, Peter - GRISÁKOVÁ, Nora. Stratified Landscapes of Waste Management in the European Union: An Empirical Analysis. In Economics, Finance and Business Management 2023 : Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship in Digital Age 2023. International Scientific Conference. Economics, Finance and Business Management 2023 [EFAM 2023] : Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship in Digital Age 2023. - Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2023. ISBN 978-80-225-5058-1, pp. 341-352. VEGA 1/0462/23.


  6. STOVÍČEK, Filip - ČERŇANOVÁ, Lucia - ČIRČOVÁ, Vanda. Factors Affecting the Level of Digitization in Slovakia. In Economics, Finance and Business Management 2023 : Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship in Digital Age 2023. International Scientific Conference. Economics, Finance and Business Management 2023 [EFAM 2023] : Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship in Digital Age 2023. - Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2023. ISBN 978-80-225-5058-1, pp. 386-393. I-23-102-00, VEGA 1/0582/22, VEGA 1/0623/22.


  7. MEGYESIOVÁ, Silvia. Zamestnanosť v kontexte stratégií Európa 2020 a Agendy 2030. In "Európska únia a stratégia Európa 2020 v zrkadle priorít a výziev cieľov Agendy 2030 III." : elektronický zborník príspevkov z vedeckého workshopu. - Košice : Podnikovohospodárska fakulta EU so sídlom v Košiciach, 2023. ISBN 978-80-225-5051-2, s. 25-31. VEGA 1/0338/22.


  8. RAKOVSKÁ, Júlia. Starting Points for the Application of New Trends in Waste Management. In Economics, Finance and Business Management 2023 : Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship in Digital Age 2023. International Scientific Conference. Economics, Finance and Business Management 2023 [EFAM 2023] : Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship in Digital Age 2023. - Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2023. ISBN 978-80-225-5058-1, pp. 166-173. VEGA 1/0465/23.


  9. VOJTKOVÁ, Mária - MIHALECH, Patrik. Quality of Life in Terms of Employment in EU Countries. In Economic and Social Development. International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development. Economic and Social Development : 94th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development - "The Dark Side of Management and Governance: Power, Ideology, Tensions, and Destructive Traits" (XI. OFEL). - Varazdin ; Zagreb : Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency : CIRU – Governance Research and Development Centre, 2023. ISSN 1849-7535, pp. 61-72. VEGA 1/0561/21.


  10. SCHUBERTOVÁ, Michaela Milena. Konkurencieschopnosť a pracujúca chudoba. In International Scientific Conference COMPETITION. International Scientific Conference COMPETITION : Proceedings of the 15h International Scientific Conference, 18th - 19th May 2023, Jihlava, Czech Republic. - Jihlava : College of Polytechnics Jihlava, 2023. ISBN 978-80-88064-71-8. ISSN 2788-0605 (online; pdf), pp. 205-215. VEGA 1/0851/21.


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