Number of the records: 1
Employment Trends and Growth Challenges in the Slovak Republic
Title Employment Trends and Growth Challenges in the Slovak Republic Translation Trendy zamestnanosti a výzvy rastu v Slovenskej republike Author info Karol Trnovský Author Trnovský Karol EUBFNHKET - Katedra ekonómie FNH Source document Economy & Business : Book of Abstracts : 23rd International Conference : 18-21 August 2024; Burgas, Bulgaria. P. 10. - Burgas : [Science Events], 2024 ; Economy & Business International Conference Note Abstrakt Document kind schedule of articles from year books Language English Country of Edition Bulgaria Keywords zamestnanosť * politika sociálna * trh práce * rast hospodársky * mzdy * Slovensko Public work category Abstractions of scientific titles in year-books from international conferences Database PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ No. of Archival Copy E24 00286-003, kópia plného textu
Number of the records: 1