Výsledky vyhľadávania

Nájdených záznamov: 277  
Vaša otázka: Autor-kód záznamu = "^eu_un_auth 0018218^"
  1. RICHNÁK, Patrik et al. The Role of Intelligent Technologies in Construction Companies in Slovakia. In Economic and Social Development. International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development - "Green Economy & Sustainable Development". Economic and Social Development : 109th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development - "Green Economy & Sustainable Development". - Varazdin ; Cakovec : Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency : Medimurje University of Applied Sciences in Cakovec, 2024. ISSN 1849-7535, pp. 195-203. VEGA 1/0354/22.


  2. RICHNÁK, Patrik et al. The Role of Intelligent Technologies in Construction Companies in Slovakia. In Economic and Social Development. International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development - "Green Economy & Sustainable Development". Economic and Social Development : 109th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development - "Green Economy & Sustainable Development". - Varazdin ; Cakovec : Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency : Medimurje University of Applied Sciences in Cakovec, 2024. ISSN 1849-7543, p. 16.


  3. RICHNÁK, Patrik et al. Towards Sustainable Development in the Woodworking Enterprises in Slovakia. - Registrovaný: Scopus. In WoodEMA 2024 : Green Deal Initiatives, Sustainable Management, Market Demands, and New Production Perspectives in the Forestry-Based Sector. International Scientific Conference. Green Deal Initiatives, Sustainable Management, Market Demands, and New Production Perspectives in the Forestry-Based Sector : Proceedings of Scientific Papers; Sofia, Bulgaria, May 15th-17th 2024. - Zagreb : WoodEMA - International Association for Economics and Management in Wood Processing and Furniture Manufacturing, 2024. ISBN 978-953-8446-02-3, pp. 35-40. VEGA 1/0354/22.


  4. RICHNÁK, Patrik et al. Building Sustainable Development of the Metallurgical Companies in Slovakia. In Economic and Social Development. International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development. Economic and Social Development : 112th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development - "Creating a Unified Foundation for Sustainable Development: Interdisciplinarity in Research and Education". - Varazdin : Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency ; Koprivnica : University North, 2024. ISSN 1849-7535, pp. 30-38. VEGA 1/0354/22.


  5. RICHNÁK, Patrik et al. Building Sustainable Development of the Metallurgical Companies in Slovakia. In Economic and Social Development. International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development. Economic and Social Development : 112th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development - "Creating a Unified Foundation for Sustainable Development: Interdisciplinarity in Research and Education". - Varazdin : Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency ; Koprivnica : University North, 2024. ISSN 1849-7543, pp. 3-4.


  6. DRÁBIK, Peter - DANESHJO, Naqibullah - REHÁK, Róbert. Environmentálno - energetická efektívnosť rozvoja elektromobility. In Medzinárodná vedecká konferencia Rozvoj Euroregiónu Beskydy XVII. Aktuálne otázky ekonomiky a manažmentu miest a regiónov. ROZVOJ EUROREGIÓNU BESKYDY XVII : Aktuálne otázky ekonomiky a manažmentu miest a regiónov. - Žilina : Žilinská univerzita v Žiline/ EDIS - vydavateľstvo UNIZA, 2023. ISBN 978-80-554-2058-5, s. 49-64. KEGA 030EU-4/2022, VEGA 1/0064/23, VEGA 1/0392/23.


  7. ARTYUKHOVA, Nadiia - REHÁK, Róbert. Problems of Stimulating Demand and Supply in the Education System: Marketing Aspect. In Atlas. International Congress on Social Sciences. Atlas : 10th International Social Sciences Congress : Proceedings Book : March 9-10, 2023. - [Ankara] : IKSAD Publishing House, 2023. ISBN 978-625-367-018-4, p. 268. VEGA 1/0392/23.


  8. ARTIUKHOV, Artem et al. Implementation of Immersive Marketing Approach at HEIs: Challenges, Obstacles and Perspectives. In RSEP International Conference on Economics, Finance and Business. 30th RSEP International Conference on Economics, Finance and Business : Conference Proceedings : Book of Abstracts. - Ankara : BC GRUP, 2023. ISBN 978-625-99063-0-0, p. 11.


  9. MAZURENKO, Oleksiy et al. Good Governance: Role in the Coherence of Tax Competition and Shadow Economy. - Registrovaný: Scopus. In Problems and Perspectives in Management. - Sumy : LLC "СPС "Business Perspectives". ISSN 1810-5467, 2023, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 757-770. VEGA 1/0392/23.


  10. KOPECKÝ, Adrián. Návrh marketingovej stratégie vybranej spoločnosti : diplomová práca. Školiteľ: Róbert Rehák. Bratislava, 2023. 74 s.


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