Výsledky vyhľadávania

Nájdených záznamov: 12  
Vaša otázka: Autor-kód záznamu + druh.dok = "^eu_un_auth p0043411 xpca^"
  1. GROSSMANOVÁ, Marta. Interkultúrny aspekt v obchodných rokovaniach. In Pluralistic approaches to languages and cultures in education. International scientific conference. Pluralistic approaches to languages and cultures in education : conference proceedings, 26th-27th november 2014, Smolenice, Slovakia. - Trnava : Trnava University, [2015]. ISBN 978-80-8082-852-3, s. 66-72.


  2. BLÁHOVÁ, Mária. Globalization, intercultural communication and role of english in contemporary modern world. In Pluralistic approaches to languages and cultures in education. Conference. Pluralistic approaches to languages and cultures in education : conference proceedings : 26th-27th November 2014 Smolenice, Slovakia. - Trnava : Trnava University, Faculty of education, [2015]. ISBN 978-80-8082-852-3, s. 27-34.


  3. KVAPIL, Roman. Testológia ako veda. In Language, literature and culture in education 2015. International conference. Language, literature and culture in education 2015 : conference proceedings : international conference : 14 - 16 may 2015, Nitra, Slovakia. - Nitra : SlovakEdu, 2015. ISBN 978-80-971580-6-4, s. 77-84 CD-ROM.


  4. RIZEKOVÁ, Iveta. Výučba argumentačných postupov na hodinách odborného cudzieho jazyka v akademickom prostredí. In Foreign language competence as an integral component of the university graduate profile. International conference. Foreign language competence as an integral component of the university graduate profile : conference proceedings : IV. international conference, november 26, 2014, Brno. - Brno : [Univerzita obrany v Brně], 2014. ISBN 978-80-7231-982-4, s. 274-281 CD-ROM.


  5. MRÁZOVÁ, Mária. Farby v nemeckom odbornom jazyku. In Foreign language competence as an integral component of the university graduate profile. International conference. Foreign language competence as an integral component of the university graduate profile : conference proceedings : IV. international conference, november 26, 2014, Brno. - Brno : [Univerzita obrany v Brně], 2014. ISBN 978-80-7231-982-4, s. 211-217 CD-ROM.


  6. KUCHAROVÁ, Jana. Využitie pojmových a myšlienkových máp vo výučbe odborného jazyka na vysokej škole nefilologického zamerania. In Foreign language competence as an integral component of the university graduate profile. International conference. Foreign language competence as an integral component of the university graduate profile : conference proceedings : IV. international conference, november 26, 2014, Brno. - Brno : [Univerzita obrany v Brně], 2014. ISBN 978-80-7231-982-4, s. 167-175 CD-ROM.


  7. KURDELOVÁ, Ľubica. Metodické postupy výučby slovnej zásoby v cudzom jazyku. In Foreign language competence as an integral component of the university graduate profile. International conference. Foreign language competence as an integral component of the university graduate profile : conference proceedings : IV. international conference, november 26, 2014, Brno. - Brno : [Univerzita obrany v Brně], 2014. ISBN 978-80-7231-982-4, s. 176-182 CD-ROM.


  8. MEĽSITOVÁ, Jolana. Vplyv informačných technológií na rozvoj jazykových zručností študentov. In Foreign language competence as an integral component of the university graduate profile. International conference. Foreign language competence as an integral component of the university graduate profile : conference proceedings : IV. international conference, november 26, 2014, Brno. - Brno : [Univerzita obrany v Brně], 2014. ISBN 978-80-7231-982-4, s. 191-196 CD-ROM.


  9. ONDREJOVÁ, Zuzana. Problematika výučby anglického odborného jazyka na Ekonomickej univerzite v Bratislave. In Foreign language competence as an integral component of the university graduate profile. International conference. Foreign language competence as an integral component of the university graduate profile : conference proceedings : IV. international conference, november 26, 2014, Brno. - Brno : [Univerzita obrany v Brně], 2014. ISBN 978-80-7231-982-4, s. 232-238 CD-ROM.


  10. PAŠKOVÁ, Hana - ZSAPKOVÁ, Eleonóra. Má používanie webových aplikácií opodstatnenie pri výučbe odborného anglického jazyka na univerzitnom stupni štúdia? In Foreign language competence as an integral component of the university graduate profile. International conference. Foreign language competence as an integral component of the university graduate profile : conference proceedings : IV. international conference, november 26, 2014, Brno. - Brno : [Univerzita obrany v Brně], 2014. ISBN 978-80-7231-982-4, s. 239-247 CD-ROM. KEGA 006EU-4/2012. 006EU-4/2012, KEGA, Vplyv webových aplikácií na rozvoj jazykových zručností.


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